Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas Crazies

I love my wife and she is going to probably kill me when she reads this but I was wondering how many Christmas Crazies there are out there. As you already know I was up at like three in the morning the day after thanksgiving doing I thought I would let you in on how many trees were in our house...

Not just one...

Or two...


How about four....



That's right...six...and if you count the one in our kitchen that is like a stick configuration and the one on the porch...that would bring it to eight...don't know if I missed one in there somewhere...

I do love that she brings such a Christmas Spirit to our home...although if I hear one more Christmas song I'm gonna look like this picture only with a fatter gut...

So does anyone out there top that????

1 comment:

Sensei Tommy Lee said...

Wow; I barely got one decorate this year. The Hulk was the best though,ha ha ha happy holiday's+++