Thursday, November 06, 2008

Servicing Our Community 3

So I've told you a little of what we are doing to Serve our Community here and here.

Let me give you one more way. We believe in Children a lot a BAF as well as at our campus. One Elementary School in our area was doing a field trip and they were only going to be able to take two grade levels. That meant the whole 2nd grade class was not going to go.

We have paid for that class to go on their trip. We believe in kids so much that we went in and paid the cost for bus and gas for them to go. My wife dropped it off and told them not to say anything. By the end of the day (she was subbing) kids were coming up and saying thank you for the church sending them on the trip. I received a letter from the Fine Arts Teacher who my wife said was in tears that day thanking her for what we had done. It felt awesome to be able to do it.

Could we have kept that money in house? Yep. Could we have bought something with that money? Sure. Only we are going to partner with our community and serve it however we can. If we have it available we will do it.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE what you guys are are so right on with what the church can...and should be!

Jason Curlee said...

Thanks Rindy...know I've got my eyes on you guys as well....I know I'm going to be seeing big things...