Sunday, September 14, 2008

5 Points Grand Opening

So here is how our Grand Opening went down today:

It went down simply outstanding!!!!!! This morning our attendance was 239 people and 8 people prayed to begin a relationship with Christ. PRAISE GOD!!!!!

Here are some pictures from the event:

Want to hear a little of our music from that morning???? Here you go:

I was able to preach today due to the hurricane hitting our coast and it was so awesome to know that people committed to begin a relationship with Christ. That is the whole reason I love being in ministry. To see lives changed. The message I gave today was called Rise Up and I talked about the life of Nehemiah. Nehemiah saw a need...prayed...looked for opportunities...and took action. It was good to preach again.


Anonymous said...

So excited to hear that your grand opening services went great! I am excited to see how God is going to continue to use you and the 5 points campus to reach people for Christ.

Bill Reichart said...

Praise God! - what a great start. Also fun pics and video.