I've even thought of stopping and asking if they realize it. Over two years... and you're telling me no one in their church has caught this.
Please...if I ever have a sign up like this...stop and let me know...don't wait over two years.
Anyone want to tell me if they also see what is wrong with this sign?
Hmmm....let me think.....um.....I dunno, aren't we supposed to go to church to BE filled with the Spirit?? I didn't know WE could fill the Spirit. Wow!
Good catch.
Umm...I think the Spirit is supposed to fill US. Funny...little bit of a language barrier I take it.
I think they mean "come FEEL the Spirit"
LOL...I brought up this percieved spelling mistake to the pastor's attention, but he re assured me that there is no mistake on the sign. He said the idea is to come "fill" your spirit. You know, as in "be filled with the Holy Spirit". Still...the wording is awkward and nobody gets it. Even if it were come "feel" the spirit I still think it would not be a good sign. Oh well.
By the way...I've taken my own pictures of church signs here in Robstown. I didn't want to post them but since you are already at it I guess I'll post mine too...and yes, like you...they drive me crazy. One sign I took a picture of makes me feel that the church is saying "Yes, Jesus loves you, but stay off our property" I'll post it as soon as I get a chance.
I really always wondered about it...obviously it doesn't translate well.
Then based on that the "S" in Spirit should be the small "s".
"Come fill the spirit"
But unless you ask you would not know.
Not trying to be harsh to this church...just helping others be effective by looking at the details...
It seems everyone else is picking up the same thing.
Ok Jay, I'll confess (lol)...this is the church I served at for a period of about 9 months (seriously). It is a bilingual church. In spanish they say "Ven y llena tu espiritu" which in spanish makes perfect sense and it is immediately known what is meant, but it is just one of those things that does not translate well because do not say that in english. Anyway..I got some stories, but I'll hold my peace. You really have to see the pics I took of two other church churches. They are preety bad. I'll try to post them tonight.
Ok Jay, as promised, here are my pics...
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