Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Present and the Future

Today I have been reading all the things friends have been writing to me on my transition. It really is awesome. I feel I have had a great support system around me everywhere I have been.

I have been in timeline creation mode as well. I think I have created a timeline for everything under the sun over the past two weeks. They really do help though when you are trying to pull off so many events so often. Other wise you would forget all those details.

I am excited about next week. I start my first youth service in Corpus at Church of Hope. My first series is going to be Mission Possible: Changing the Corpus Area ONE life at a Time. It is going to be a 4 week series. I have been meditating on that for the past week or two. I think I am going to be preaching on how the first church was able to make a huge impact and how we can put many of the principles they followed to change our area. IT'S GONNA BE GOOD.

Tonight is my last night of church at Faith Family. The FUTURE awaits me. I'm somewhere in the future...And I look much better than I look right now. That's an old Kim Clement saying....LOL


Anonymous said...

Hey, Jason,
You left "headaches" over here, just think, you GET TO experience NEW one over there. They will probably some new ones, but just remember it is the same kind of stuff, just in a different way, and you have already over-come them.
God Bless!!!!

Jason Curlee said...

True dat.....true dat