Friday, December 12, 2008

Working A Secular Job

Here are some things I learned in having to work a secular job (by that I mean a non-ministry job) for the first time this last year in 14 years:
  • People who work jobs have busy lives...they work all day and then have families to go home to in the careful how much you demand from people. I spoke with one pastor who had demanded his youth volunteers church on Sunday morning and Wednesday night, attend his leadership training on Sunday night, do their youth ministry on Friday night and then meet with their team once a week...I thought...YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR MIND!!!
  • The best way to lead people who get paid is still with vision. You can lord their paycheck over them but you still will get more when you cast an infectious vision.
  • People cuss a first job out of the gate was as a teacher in an inner city alternative high school. I heard more cuss words the first week than I had in my prior 14 years. It felt good to get back to what we all should be doing....hanging with those who are far from God.
  • You don't have to be like them to reach them. By that I mean it is important that people see something different in us. You don't have to tell dirty jokes, flirt, act like life is like a seed that should be planted.
  • That I'm geared for ministry...God placed it in me and it never goes away...He has made me for a purpose and I need to flow in that purpose.


Paul Turner said...


So true. After 20 years in YM I took a year off to travel and speak. I came back from camp this summer and no ministry jobs were open so I have been doing house remodeling during the day and dept store at night. I too have gotten back in touch with the real world and it has been confirmed, I am wired for ministry. My latest blog shows how ministry is my template in the secular job market, Peace.


Jason Curlee said...

Thanks is so cool to see others that may have had the same experience as I did. Look forward to reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

Dude! WHat a great post. I took 2 years out of ministry. I started a new company in Nashville. Then went as a sales director for a company in Minnesota doing $200 million in sales. Huge business. Huge Stress. Great success, good money. But, like you, I am built for ministry! I had to come back. Those two years shaped me to make the transition from YM to pastoring. But, God used that to teach me that He has a very definite call on me. Thanks for sharing your heart and ideas.

I completely agree that you don't have to be like them to reach them. The world is horribly lost, and they don't need a sell out to change them. They need a strong follower. They need to see passion.We need to be teaching our people to live passionately for Jesus. Then take that passion to work.

I know have a huge heart to disciple manager and business owners. I am starting a county wide mentor group for this. It's exploding! God is using that experience to draw out more passion for Him.

You're the man. Thanks for sharing. Have a great holiday!

Jason Curlee said...

Michael great comments and what a great heart as well....seems like when "it's" really in there it is hard to shake and God always seems to bring it back.