Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sunday 12-28-08 Through My Window

Here are some reflections and pictures from this past Sunday's Experience on 12-28-08. A couple of days after the fact but I still thought I would get them in.
  • Numbers were lower than normal but I felt they would be with the holidays.
  • In retrospect I think we should have only done "one" Sunday Morning experience.
  • Each week our haze machine seems to haze the room a little different. This week it all seemed to stay on the left of the room and didn't distribute at all.
  • We had a bare-bone skeleton volunteer crew.
  • Pumped that we can actually say we did our first Christmas as a church. Dreams do come true.
  • Music was good...looking forward to seeing where we go. Time to push the envelope.
  • Great and relevant points in the message from Pastor Bil. We really do have one of the best church communicators for our messages.
Here are some pics:

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