Here are the twitter notes but you can check them all out at twitter.com/jasoncurlee (make sure you read them from bottom to top):
- Point 4 - Get started on meeting your expectation.
- Scripture - Proverbs 13:12 (NLT)
- We can turn our health around if we turn our attitude around.
- Point 3 - Dwell on good things
- Learn to mine yourself and pull out the best from within you.
- People must have joy to have strength....Satan always wants to rob you of your joy...
- Scripture - Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV)
- Focus on "His" promise not "your" problem!
- You must declare you're fit before you are.
- He (Abraham) plunged into the promise
- Scripture - Romans 4:19-25
- You have got to get moving....DO SOMETHING!!!!!
- Nothing will taste as good as you feel if you are in shape.
- Point 2 - Choose to increase eating healthier food and drinking water. (crowd out the bad food)
- Scripture - 1 Corinthians 10:23
- Your health is "your health"....your life is "your life"....you must take responsibility for it.
- Point 1 - Take responsibility for your health.
- Scripture 2 Corinthians 2:9
- What you focus on you get more of....
- Bay Area Fellowship - Series "The Power of a Winning Attitude" 3rd Week
These are just two internet tools I'm experimenting with right now that we might possible use in some way.
so what exactly is ustream.tv? It looks interesting.
ustream.tv allows you to broadcast live over the internet. It is a free service.
u may have answered a what the heck can we use twitter for? nice work. check out my blog. i'd love you to speak to my dilema.
Bryan...what's your blog address????
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