Sunday, February 03, 2008

Get Started

Thought this might be good for someone out there that is contemplating making a move. Maybe it is a move to do something you have never done before but know it will take you to the next level. Maybe fear has parallelized you into doing nothing for so long. Maybe taking a risk frightens you.

For me, I picture the finish line of life being the day I stand before Jesus and hear, "Well done, my good and faithful servant"!

Something to ponder: Is it possible that you won't hear those words unless you are "serving"?

So to all of you who are stuck in a rut or know you need to make a move I say one thing to you:

"You can’t win the race, if you stand behind the starting line."

What is that one thing you need to do next that you have been putting off?



Thanks man, I needed this.

Aaron said...

what does "serving" mean?

Jason Curlee said...

Of course I am associating one word with another Jesus used. Jesus said servant. A person who is a servant is one who serves.

In relation to today's follower of Christ, a person who is serving, I believe, is one who is utilizing their gifts, talents, passion and experiences to further the Kingdom of God. I also believe that means within the body of Christ.

Anyone like to elaborate????