My Key Verse - John 2:5 She went ahead anyway, telling the servants, "Whatever he tells you, do it."
My Reflection - Jesus' mother told the servants to "do whatever He told them to do." What would life look like if every follower of Christ did what He told them to do? What kind of choices would we make? What kind of impact would we have? The essence of being a follower of Christ is in obedience. Far too often many people want their lives forgiven but yet want to live life the way they want to. Sometimes I fall in that category as well. If we all would live with an ear to what He is saying, our lives would be lived out with the fullness of what He has designed for us. Choose today to do whatever he tells you.
My Prayer - Lord, help me to listen to the still small voice and follow and obey your every desire for my life.
I have been doing this as well. Such a great exercise, it is amazing how even though you have read something before, God brings it alive the next time you read!
It's like there is something new everytime...probably why reading the Bible is so refreshing.
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