Friday, May 25, 2007

Take The Challenge

On Pentecost Sunday (May 27, 07) myself and a couple of buddies will begin a 10-day fast. This fast was initiated by Mark Batterson.

I want to encourage and challenge you to take the fast with us.

Fasting is simply giving something up for the purpose of seeking God.

The early believers went to the upper room and prayed for 10 days and Pentecost happened and then they went and turned the world upside down.

I am also stupid or naive just enough to believe that God is just big enough to do something crazy like that again.

Here's the deal...we aren't going to tell you how to do it. For each person it's going to be different.

As Mark said, "You might want to fast TV. The season finales are over anyways! You might want to fast sleep or fast a hobby. You might want to fast food or fast fast food."

I have chosen to not read blogs or books for those 10 days and am only going to read the Book of Acts.

I'm believing for a great move to happen in my life and ministry. What about you? Will you take up the challenge?

I'll be praying for those who are teaming up with me. Leave me a post if you are as I want to know who you are.

1 comment:

Sensei Tommy Lee said...

count me in