Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Turn Around

As I have been thinking this week on the book Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't, I came across a great post by Mark Howell at Strategy Central.

Mark makes some great observation based on Peter Druckers standard three step process to turn around. Here are the three parts.

1. "Abandonment of the things that don't work."
2. "Concentration of the things that do work."
3. "Analysis of the half-successes, the half-failures."

Read his full post here.

In church and youth ministry this is some sound advice. Often times there are some sacred cows that need to be cut. This often times is the hard work of the leader. It requires getting to the basics. Often times when I was coaching when a player wasn't getting the results the should have been getting it was because they got away from the basics.

In today's church world there is often a push to get a more business edge. In reading good to great I realized that there are not a lot of businesses that are doing it right. So it is a careful selection of following principles that will get us real results. In the midst of this there must be a strong care to make sure that prayer is a key. Today's pastor must have a spiritual edge as well as a strategic edge.

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