Monday, January 08, 2007

A Better Experience

Great thought today that comes from McDonald's CEO, Jim Skinner:

Because we proved that we were getting bigger but not better. And we have to be better. Your experience today at McDonald’s has to be a better experience than it was yesterday.

McDonald's has had a remarkable turnaround over the past two years and is poised for an even brighter future now. Skinner’s winning strategy was named PLAN TO WIN and it focused McDonald’s on improving the service, the food, and the experience at existing locations.

Is the experience we are creating in our church/ministry department getting better?

People's experiences are being defined each and every day. When they go to a new restraurant, movie theater, mall, etc...these experiences are defining how they will interpret our environment and the weekly experience we are trying to create.

Let's take it a step farther. Are the people we are leading getting a better experience? Are you developing yourself in your time management & organizational skills? People naturally want to follow someone who knows where they are going. Someone with vision and passion that will help them acheive their dreams.

So what experience are you creating today? Is it a better one?

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