Monday, June 12, 2006

An over due update

I know some have been waiting for this update...for about two weeks we have been in the middle of getting a network installed and then on top of that our internet provider is not the best in the world in my opinion so we have been off and on with our internet connection.

This past Wednesday was a great night. We had 30 in attendance, one first time visitor and 3 rededications. The message we did was a two man skit/illustrated sermon. I did it with one of my team leaders, Juno, who did an absolutly fantastic job. The sermon was on how spiritual growth relates to weight training. We acted like we were in the gym and having a conversation. It went great. I now have a full worship team made up of teens. They are doing great. One girl learned the bass in three days to be able to play.

This week we start a new series entitled I Want To Be Made. It is going to be a three part series about self-image, acceptance and being transformed. Be praying.

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