Monday, January 28, 2008

Organizational Strategy Part 3

Having a strategy is so important and making sure your whole church or organization is in alignment with it is of even greater importance.

Once you have set the guiding factors in place it is time to lay out the details, which is why I thought it would be prudent to finish up with one more post on Organizational Strategy.

Make sure you check out Part 1 and Part 2.

A strategy is in essence a logical plan getting you from one place to another. As the leader of your church or department God has given you the huge responsibility of partnering with Him in His vision. Creating a strategic plan is part of your faithfulness in working with Him.

Having a strategy:
  • Provides Structure and Focus
  • Saves Time and Money
  • Brings A Team Together
Once you have established your vision, mission, and values it is time to move into more of the planning part. This is the part where each department can have more flexibility. Understanding that your departments now have the guiding factors in place, it is time to create some objectives.

Major Objectives
Set some major objectives you need to complete in order to accomplish the mission. These objectives are key. Breakdown each area of your mission and list three or four objectives that need to be met. Give them a title and a description.

I could write a lot of goals but much has already been written. Under each objective list out goals that need to be accomplished for each objective to be met. Think specific. List out no more than five goals for each objective.

Finally, create specific tasks to meet the goals. This is where you must get detailed. Create as many tasks as needed. Put dates and dollar amounts as well. These will be vital as you are setting out to plan your year and budget.

Wrap Up
Of course I'm in Texas..and you know how us Texans eat those extra large steaks down here? One bite at a time.

That is what planning is all about. As you put some effort into thinking this process out you can see that there is a flow from one level to the next.

When you have accomplished all your tasks you should have reached your goals. With the goals accomplished you will have met your objectives. This in turn means you are moving step by step closer to fulfilling the vision He has called you to. And now as all the departments are in alignment you have created the necessary unity needed to achieve more than was ever possible.


Anonymous said...

Very nice post. I'm always curious about organizational structure and this post was right on target.

Jason Curlee said...

Thanks hope is that more pastors would work on the organizational side of their ministry