Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday Remix

Here is the remix of the day:
  • This morning's message went great. It was the first time I had ever committed a whole message on John 14:6. I felt it came out great. My wife even complemented me. Believe it or not she doesn't give me any freebies and is a great critic to me. That's a critic in a good way as she pushes me to communicate better.
  • Today was the first time my parents have ever seen me preach. They have heard me but never seen me live. It was great to have them down in our experience this morning.
  • This afternoon I had hot grease spatter in my eye. I'm ok it really was just a major irritation all evening.
  • Our youngest daughter broke her arm tonight with the help of her sister. It was not a major break so there was good news. Pray for a quick healing as she is very, very active.
  • I absolutely love the worship from's South Oklahoma City campus. It is right up my alley.
  • Trying to keep it short ala Gina's post. Hope I made it.
  • Can't wait for Heroes tomorrow.

1 comment:

Tristie Fischer said...

I read the whole thing!! Good stuff. Praying for your girl. Broken arm? Yikes!