Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Subbing Update

Busy days...for a little update, I have been asked to step a classroom temporarily as they find a new teacher at one of the schools. Don't know how long it is going to be but what it means is that I will have daily assignments for now. The class schedule is perfect and will allow me some time to keep focused for our weekends. But...they are all classes I have never taught so I am having to learn outside of the day to make it work. Oh's outdoor education...we are planting a garden. The only one my wife and I tried to grow...we killed.

Sometimes in life we need to kill off some things in our lives that are holding us back. For each of us there are various things. Craig at Swerve has been doing a post series on Dysfunctional Pastors. There are many things I have noticed in this series that I need to work on. Things I need to intentionally kill if I am going to take myself to a new level.

It's awesome to know that God works us through those things. That is something I have tried to instill as a philosophy of ministry. For many years as a pastor I was judgmental in many areas. I even looked down on people for not have the fortitude that I had. wrong I was.

Now I have realized that I'm not here to see through people but to see them through. I want to show them and extend them the grace they need to be overcomers. I also want to challenge them through God's Words so that they can be successful in every arena of their life.

Now I am no longer trying to kill those gardens but plant seeds in peoples lives that turn into a harvest.

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