Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I Can Do It

As I continue to work on our March series called "Lost - Surviving the Mystery of the Unknown" I am realizing that this is the most unique view of Philippians 4:13 that I have ever presented.

Today as we outlined the second message, here were some of the notes I wrote down:
The Main Text is going to be Exodus 32 where the Israelites made the golden calf. The ideas we wrote down were that when they realized they were alone…that God was not there…they said “I CAN DO”...And they made something to take God’s place…we do that with people and things as well. Their situation was telling them one thing and so they felt they had to fix it. Isn’t that what we do? We try to fix our situation when it doesn’t need fixing. This is what happens if you stop at “I CAN DO”. Most people do this when they feel stranded. We are taught this by our parents, our teachers, our coaches, that we shouldn’t say I can’t and that we should say I can…and it is partially true.
So tonight I was thinking more about that and realized that all our lives we are taught that we can do it. And I have been one of the major players and do believe it as well. I have even taught to never say I can't. Oftentimes in our life though when we are in a phase of feeling stranded we try to do it. This is where I believe we mess up. It is at that very moment that we must realize that it is Christ who will give us the strength to survive and we must not try to fix it.

Good stuff.

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