Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Who Are We Reaching

Mark Batterson has a great post with some quotes by Len Sweet. Below are a few of the quotes to get you thinking, but go read his entire post.
"Ask the grandparents in your church: how many of you would lay down your life for your grandchildren? Every grandparent will raise their hand. Then ask them: how many of you would lay down your musical preferences for your grandchildren?"

"Sometimes God is more active in the world than he is in the church. Who's had more impact alleviating suffering in the world: your church or Bono?"
Makes me think about which generation we are trying to reach...sometimes it is easy to focus on the crowd that is our age and not on the future generations that are coming up. Too often we leave that to the children's pastor or the youth pastor, but our priorities should be more on reaching the future generations. I'm all for it myself. The life of the church is in investing in future generations. If we don't reach them they will leave the church. It is happening now.

In our last meeting I talked with our teens and told them that I don't blame them if they are leaving the church as they grow up if we aren't putting all we can into creating something that keeps them hooked in. Part of that is casting a vision that there is more to a life with God than just Sunday and Wednesday. And part of that is that as parents and the church we should be showing that there is.

Churchrelevance had an excellent post today on reaching young adults.

1 comment:

Pastor Jeff said...

i love your blog - it's so much more techy than mine... what is the deal?