Friday, January 19, 2007

A Day Or Two In The Life Of

So the last couple of days has been light on posting...of course there is a reason for that.

This is how my Wednesday goes:
I begin the day at around 8:00 by typing out the message for our meeting that night. After the message is finished I will type out the fill in the blank notes with announcements and get them printed. Next, I will build the PowerPoint for the message and then put the whole PowerPoint for the meeting together with songs. Last thing to do is print out the slide show for our computer tech and get everything together for all our techs.

I usually get to our meeting place at around 5:15 when our band begins to show up and we do run through's on our songs for the night. We shut down the band at 6:40 and crank up some music until our meeting starts.

From 7:00 to 8:30 is our meeting and afterwards we will record our talk show that kicks off our weekly podcast. This weeks talk show was so funny...check out the Amazing Race-cast our twelfth podcast. At 9:30 we head for the house to end the day.

On Thursday:
I spend the morning editing my message and the talk show and get the whole podcast ready for publishing. After its uploaded I will then send out all the messages and posts to let everyone know it is updated.

Just want you to know what my days are like around here.

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