Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Pursuit "The Bold Pursuit"

Wow!!! Our message tonight was totally awesome. I am always so amazed with the messages each week. A month or two ago I read "Communicating for a Change: Seven Keys to Irresistible Communication". It totally has revolutionized my messages. Between it and "The BIG IDEA – Focus the Message and Multiply the Impact" our ministry this year we be the best it has ever been.

This month I have been doing a series called Pursuit "The Greatest Chase of All". The theme is chasing God and you can read my post "Pursuit Graphic" to see the series ad graphic. We also edited a cool video of Fast and the Furious clips using Toby Macs "Getaway Car" song.

Tonight, we pushed hard and I challenged our students to go all out for God. The message tonight was called "the bold pursuit" and it was about going after God with boldness. The main scripture was from Hebrews 10:19 but we also covered Hebrews 10:11-25. Its not that often that I go in depth that much but tonight called for it. I sensed all week that some people often go through a time where they feel they are not good enough to go to God. This message will challenge you to go boldly to Him.

Our podcast should pop up sometime will have the message and a short talk show in front of it with my boy Juno Garcia and a young man named Zyler. You can check back here tomorrow evening or on Friday. It will be called Bold-cast.

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