Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Great Relationship Building Night

Well tonight I took a chill pill....and it worked...LOL....I just let the service and everything happen...I spent more time working on the relationships tonight...cause in the end...that's what they will really remember....

Before service a storm hit....we had hail and our numbers were down....but it was understandable...had two more girls get involved in the service...they are doing the went awesome...the sermon was great...I thought it rocked...I always learn a lot when I preach...

Afterservice we all went to What-a-burger to hang out...that was the fun part....building relationships...laughing, joking, and just having fun...

Tomorrow we start construction on the first phase of our teen room...we will be demo'ing our current stage and by the weekend we will have a new stage...GOAL...May 31st all done...that is when we launch our new youth name and it would be great to have a new room to do it in....THINGS ARE A MOVING.....

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